Privacy Statement

  • The app does not collect any personal data – passwords used for the device(s) (Wallbox, Smartmeter, PC system or car) are stored on the device only in encrypted form. For some devices, passwords that are used in clear text when connecting the device are contained in the debug logging if the user did activate it and send it to me, but only used by me if I have consent from the user, and only for debugging purposes.
  • The remote control feature is done using the Google FireBase Relatime Database. Its privacy statement is and only applies if the user uses the remote control. The Firebase account can be deleted in the remote control settings of the app.
  • The weather forecast is done by, it’s privacy statement can be found at
  • StromGedacht forecast: the queries are anonymously except that the ZIP code is being transferred (as it is needed!)
  • Tibber query: here the token of the user must be sent.
  • EPEX query: only the specified bidding zone is sent (via “”).